Business Owner Program

Small Business represents 90% of all the business done in America today. It is the economic backbone of this nation and employs over 50% of the labor force. These businesses hire anywhere from 5 to 50 employees and are extremely "risk centric" when it comes to maximizing their human capital.

Small Business, Job Searches


When a Fortune 500 company loses 10% to 20% of its employee base every year, it is digestible. When a small business loses 10% of its employee base, it is catastrophic and the recovery costs are often insurmountable in both strategic and monetary terms.

Dynimus Executives/Coaches have had first hand experience in start ups, small business and Fortune 500 companies. They have a cumulative experience of over 100 years in multiple industries, in multiple positions and in multiple countries.

Dynimus has designed a "Holistic Business Owner Program" that will maximize your human capital in both the short and long term. Their proprietary process triangulates the Company, the Candidates and the Community into a comprehensive "Fit Grid" for measurable results. It is designed and implemented with the continuous input from all stakeholders (both internal and external) and embraces a specific "ROI" model versus the "Investment Spend" model of other firms.

The key deliverable of the Dynimus program is a " Sustainable Human Capital Business Model " that optimizes small business human capital to "scale" with optimal vision and efficiency.


"Fit Grid"

Case Scenario

Dynimus Application

Performance Metrics

Owner is managing the business vs leading it

Executive Coaching, Discovery, Fulfillment

Revenue Gains
Market share gain

Management team is combative and asynchronous

Team Fit process for all management team members

Productivity Gains
Customer Satisfaction Index

New hires are high risk

Position Fit, Company Fit, Culture Fit

360 feedback loops with collaborative indicators

Employee engagement is below 50%

Independent fit, Attitude and Opinion Surveys

Reduce churn by 50%

Business model is not sustainable long term

Community and Social Fit analysis and findings

CSR rating and index

Contact us today for program and pricing details.