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Start the New Year With a Clean Slate
The fresh, and cold, start to the New Year provides you the opportunity to begin with a clean slate. You have nearly a year to make the lifestyle, career, spiritual, mental or physical changes that you have been wanting to make.
A client recently pointed out his number one goal for 2007. Big surprise here...it is to discover and fulfill his True Calling, but more specifically for him, he will know he has found it if it provides the following which he sourced from Thomas Stanley's, The Millionaire Mind:
- You love your work and it excites you every day.
- You know that your chosen vocation is one that allows you full use of your abilities and aptitudes.
- You get high self esteem from your work.
- You are absolutely certain that your vocation will make you financially independent one day.
Don't we all want this? After reading them I realized they applied to all of us who truly want to be doing what we were put here to do.
Whatever your wish may be - begin it now - don't wait. Inertia begets inertia.
It is going to be a year of positive change and growth for Dynimus. We have some major changes coming up that will add tremendous value to your Career Development firm. Stay tuned!
By the way if you know someone who would benefit from one of our Programs please let us know. 90% of our growth has come from client referrals. Just make sure your referral uses your name once they start the Program and you will receive a $100 gift card.